The clean water Illuminati conspiracy has gone viral

Who gives a shit? Just rich celebrities? How about you?

Do we really give a shit about the rest of the world? The evidence is in and the decision is clear: No!  780 million people – more than double the population of the US and Canada – do not have clean drinking water. And Matt Damon, Richard Branson, Olivia Wilde and Bono are not going to stand for it. Or sit on a toilet until we do something about it. It’s a shit strike! These celebs, and many more, have taken on this serious world problem suffered by 1-in-9 humans and are turning it into a joke that is no joke, and it’s gone viral.

Watch this 1:50 second video – it makes a point, actually two points: the idiocy gap between our don’t-give-a-shit society and the stupidity of the Illuminati conspiracy that so many idiots in our society do give a shit about. No wonder our world is in such a shitty condition – most of us don’t know shit from reality. But a few celebs do, so visit and find out how you can become a celebrity.

Don’t let Bono call you a “wanker” – give more than a shit. Give $25

For $25 you can save a life. And have one of the better conversation starters at the water cooler or dinner party. Even hold a press conference like Matt Damon (see video clip below). One donation of $25 will provide one person in Africa with clean drinking water for the rest of their life (the average female in Africa has to walk 6 km a day to get clean water). Donate now! If you give a shit.

Watch more of Damon’s campaign and his funny press conference. It’s just 3:10. And then donate – whether you give a shit or not.